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If you purchased one or more Ritasβ„’ Brand Products at any time from January 1, 2018, through July 19, 2022, you can complete this Claim Form to be eligible to receive a cash payment under the Settlement. Settlement Class Members can submit a Claim Form to receive a cash Settlement Payment. Claim Forms must be postmarked or submitted online by December 16, 2022. Claim Forms received after the deadline may not be accepted.

Settlement Class Members can submit a Claim Form to receive a cash Settlement Payment for Ritasβ„’ Brand Products purchased for personal consumption, based on the size or unit type purchased.

  • Claims with Proof of Purchase: You may seek a refund up to a maximum of $21.25 per Household with Proof of Purchase; or
  • Claims without Proof of Purchase: You may seek a refund up to a maximum of $9.75 per Household without Proof of Purchase.

Please Note: If you have Proof of Purchase for some or all of the Products purchased from January 1, 2018, through July 19, 2022, you may file a Claim with Proof of Purchase or a Claim without Proof of Purchase, not both.

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If you plan to make a claim for Proof of Purchase, this means you will provide documentation such as copies of receipts, paid invoices, or other legitimate proof showing payment for any of the Ritasβ„’ Brand Products you purchased for personal consumption, and not for resale. Documents should be clear, readable copies, as anything you submit will not be returned to you.

If you are filing online, please have this information ready before you start to file, as your claim will not be saved if you have to come back and finish at a later time. Documents that are uploaded must be less than 20 MB per file and in one of these formats: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif, tiff, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, txt, rtf, or zip. If you are unable to electronically upload a copy of your documents as part of the online Claim Form, you will need to mail a printed Claim Form along with your documentation to the Settlement Administrator.

How to File Online:

After clicking the button below, you will be asked to provide the Unique ID you received in the Notice from the Settlement Administrator. However, if you did not receive a Notice, you can still file a claim online because a Unique ID is not necessary to file a claim. You will be asked to provide your contact information, detailed information about your purchases, and any documentation you wish to provide. Please have all your documentation as described above ready, as your Claim will not be saved if you have to come back and finish at a later time.

Please click the button below to get started.

After submitting your completed claim online, you will receive an email with a Confirmation Code for your completed submission. Receipt of a Confirmation Code means your claim was successfully submitted. If additional information is required to complete your claim, you will be contacted by the Settlement Administrator.

How to File via Mail:

If you wish to submit a claim via standard mail, you may Big booty latina stripping. You will need to provide all of the information requested on the Claim Form, attach any supporting documentation, sign it, and date it. Then, mail it to the following address:

Browning v. Anheuser-Busch Administrator
P.O. Box 5176
Portland, OR 97208-5176

Remember: All Claim Forms must be submitted online or postmarked no later than December 16, 2022.